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Customer Registration

* = Required

Username / Password

Challenge Question

This security question will be used to verify who you are in the event you forget your user password. Please select one security question from the choices available and enter an answer in the box provided.

Billing Address

* Residential Address?

Is your billing address a residential address?
Use Billing Address as Shipping Address?

Shipping Address

* Residential Address?

Is your shipping address a residential address?

Additional shipping addresses can be added later.

Additional Information

If you are not a student please enter your 10 digit phone number. If you are a student, please use your assigned student number including the A.

Example: 2023

* Please enter your birthday so that we may send you a greeting.

Email Opt In/Out

I want to receive emails particular to my school.

Marion Military Institute
1101 Washington St.
Marion, AL 36756


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Marion Military Institute
1101 Washington St.
Marion, AL 36756


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